Texas Directors & Officers Insurance

Texas Directors & Officers Insurance

Directors & Officers Insurance (D&O) is a type of liability coverage that provides protection for the board members, officers and directors of your company or organization from lawsuits that can arise from them performing their duties.

D & O Insurance in Texas

This type of coverage protects their personal assets and is becoming more the rule than the exception with larger businesses and organizations. Pro-Source Insurance Agency/ Harnem Insurance Group can help evaluate whether this type of indemnity coverage is appropriate for your situation. Some of the risks to consider are:

  • Legal defense costs
  • Legal Representative Expense
  • Costs arising from extradition proceedings
  • Civil Fines / Civil Penalties
  • Damages
  • Judgements
  • Bail Bond Costs

Some business relationships may require you to have Texas D & O insurance. With the amount of lawsuits in our society today it's becoming more important to evaluate whether it's a necessary protection for your top level decision makers.